RTAWS0 manual membrane filter weighing platform

summary:RT-WS1 is a filter membrane weighing platform with functions of constant temperature, constant humidity, static electricity removal, four-level shock resistance, thousand-level cleanliness, automatic filter membrane identification, etc. It can automatically read weighing indicators, automatically identify filter membrane codes, and realize the function of automatic data statistics, which can effectively avoid manual errors, prevent heavy and repeated labor of laboratory personnel, and ensure the reliability and accuracy of weighing data. The platform can constantly weigh 160 47mm filter membranes or 80 90mm filter membranes or 60 ultra-low emission sampling heads at a time.


System Introduction

RT-WS1 is a filter membrane weighing platform with functions of constant temperature, constant humidity, static electricity removal, four-level shock resistance, thousand-level cleanliness, automatic filter membrane identification, etc. It can automatically read weighing indicators, automatically identify filter membrane codes, and realize the function of automatic data statistics, which can effectively avoid manual errors, prevent heavy and repeated labor of laboratory personnel, and ensure the reliability and accuracy of weighing data. The platform can constantly weigh 160 47mm filter membranes or 80 90mm filter membranes or 60 ultra-low emission sampling heads at a time.


Application areas

Used for automatic weighing of filter membranes in environmental monitoring stations.

Weighing of various filter membranes used in meteorological monitoring.

Used in scientific research, teaching, third-party testing and other fields of filter membrane weighing.

It is used for weighing the low concentration sampling head of pollution source.



Conform to standard

HJ 656-2013 Ambient Air Particulate Matter (PM2.52) Technical Specification for Manual Monitoring Method (Gravimetric Method)

HJ 836-2017 Stationary Source Exhaust Gas-Determination of Low Concentration Particulate Matter-Gravimetric Method


EN 12341:1998/EN 14907:2005/PrEN 12341:2012.


Technical features 

Accurate manual semi-automatic membrane weighing platform;

With temperature, humidity, wind speed, air cleanliness and other weighing environment real-time monitoring function;

Be able to generate curve reports of temperature uniformity, humidity uniformity and wind speed in the working chamber;

The high efficiency filter controls the air cleanliness in the warehouse, reaching the thousand level;

Suitable for all materials of filter membrane, such as glass fiber filter membrane, quartz filter membrane and Teflon filter membrane, etc;

Using two-dimensional code, bar code, RFID filter membrane identification function;

Can weigh 47mm filter membrane, 90mm filter membrane, flue gas filter cartridge, ultra-low emission filter;

Able to weigh organic and inorganic samples, powdered and liquid reagents and other samples;

Automatic identification of filter coding, automatic reading of weighing data, automatic statistics and other functions;

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