RT-CS1 ambient air particulate matter sampler

summary:It is used for sampling particulate matter PM2.5 and PM10 in ambient air. It is a high-performance ambient air particulate matter sampler. It meets the standard requirements of "Technical Requirements and Detection Methods for Ambient Air Particulate Matter (PM10 and PM2.5) Sampler" (HJ93-2013). It can realize real-time monitoring of data such as working condition flow, standard condition flow, working condition volume, standard condition volume, ambient temperature, humidity, air pressure and other data, and can be saved, it has the characteristics of reliable operation, simple operation, small size and light weight, and easy installation.


System Introduction

For particulate matter PM in ambient air2.5、PM10is a high-performance ambient air particulate matter sampler, in line with the "ambient air particulate matter (PM10and PM2.5) Sampler Technical Requirements and Testing Methods "(HJ93-2013) standard requirements, to achieve real-time monitoring of working condition flow, standard condition flow, working condition volume, standard condition volume, ambient temperature, humidity, air pressure and other data, and to be able to save data. It has the characteristics of reliable operation, simple operation, small size and light weight, easy installation, etc.


Application areas

Sampling for Quality Control Comparison of Ambient Air Particulate Matter

Ambient Air Particulate Source Analytical Sampling

Sampling of particulate matter and aerosols from meteorological, disease control and scientific research systems


Technical parameters

Portable single filter membrane particulate matter sampler;

PM can be collected10、PM2.5、PM1Particulate matter sampler;

The diameter of the sampling filter membrane is 47mm, and the material of the filter membrane is not limited;

Sampling flow rate: 16.67L/min, accuracy ± 1%;

7 inch touch screen operation, simple and convenient operation;

With RPID identification and GPRS communication function.

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