RT-VCS2 automatic tank cleaning instrument
System Introduction
Before collecting samples, the Su-code tank needs to be cleaned to prevent cross-contamination of samples. The RT-VCS series can cleaning instrument can realize the automatic cleaning of the Su code tank, and can clean multiple Su code tanks. After cleaning, the vacuum degree of the Su code tank can be ensured.
Application areas
Suma can cleaning
Performance characteristics
Fully automatic cleaning;
Single cleaning of 8-12 Suma cans;
Single stage vacuum design, vacuum pressure <5mtorr;
The heating temperature is adjustable from 10 ℃ to 250 ℃;
All pipes shall be made of silanized stainless steel or Teflon;
Automatic leak detection during the cleaning process to prevent incomplete cleaning due to leakage;
Connection interface: standard 1/4 ", compatible with a variety of specifications Suma tank;
Cleaning methods: cleaning can choose humidification or dry gas cleaning two ways;
Requirements for air extraction pump: two-stage pump, oil-free molecular diaphragm pump for the front pump, and molecular turbo pump for the high vacuum pump;
All operations are completed by computer control, intuitive graphical operation software, real-time display of dynamic flow path changes;
Touch screen operation, large screen display above 14 inches;
Can be equipped with thermostatic device, thermostatic device automatic control;
Optional hot box.
Previous: RT-V8016 Autosampler
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